About this blog

This blog is about the things I have watched and am watching and is a mixed bag of anime's ranging from harem to horror

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ghost Stories

This anime is a horror comedy show about 5 elementary school kids and their demonically possessed cat Satsuki and Keichiro Manshida the new kids to town bringing their cat Kaya and sad past. The comedic element of Ghost Stories comes from the fact that instead of matching the words said in Japanese when dubbing into English they for the lack of better word screwed around, yet they still managed to tell a story the jokes range from stereotypical Jewish jokes as one character Leo looks basically like a Jewish stereotype, to pop culture references circa 2005 the other male character Hajime even once utters "giggidy". my verdict if your bored or just want to laugh a little watch this anime. follow this link to find the first episode http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbvxYtyOApo