About this blog

This blog is about the things I have watched and am watching and is a mixed bag of anime's ranging from harem to horror

Monday, March 1, 2010

To Aru Majutsu no Index

To Aru Majutsu no Index (A Certain Magical Index) is an anime about Touma (Spiky in the picture) touma is a level zero Esper (a person who can use psychic powers) level zero meaning he has little to no powers. while he doesn't have great offensive powers he does have his right arm which through out the series is called "Imagine Breaker" which can nullify all attacks of psychical proportions, although it has one unfortunate side effect it gives him a bad luck streak a mile wide. one day his power goes out all the food in his refrigerator spoils and he finds a sister (nun) hanging of the railing of his balcony. he takes the sister inside and gives her his spoiled food to which she strangely enjoys. she introduces herself as index (Right of touma in the picture) her robe is called the Walking Church (I think) she claims to be a magician when Touma who believes in science tells her there is no such thing as magic she presses the issue and Touma reveals what his Right arm can do she doesn't believe him he proves it by putting his hand on her Walking Church which after a moment shreds apart leaving her in her birthday suit so to say she then bites him as punishment (which becomes a regular thing for her). all in all I really like this series. the series is over there are 24 episodes available the first can be found at

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ghost Stories

This anime is a horror comedy show about 5 elementary school kids and their demonically possessed cat Satsuki and Keichiro Manshida the new kids to town bringing their cat Kaya and sad past. The comedic element of Ghost Stories comes from the fact that instead of matching the words said in Japanese when dubbing into English they for the lack of better word screwed around, yet they still managed to tell a story the jokes range from stereotypical Jewish jokes as one character Leo looks basically like a Jewish stereotype, to pop culture references circa 2005 the other male character Hajime even once utters "giggidy". my verdict if your bored or just want to laugh a little watch this anime. follow this link to find the first episode http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbvxYtyOApo

Monday, February 23, 2009

Onegai Sensei

Onegai Sensei begins as a relatively normal high school anime our main character is Kei Kusangi his friends Herikawa Koishi (hair-e-ka-wa co-e-shi), Ichigo Morino (e-chi-go moh-ri-no), Kaede Misumi (ka-eh-de mii-su-mii), and Matagu Shido (mah-tah-goo shii-doh) when his other friend Hyousuke Magumo (hi-yoh-su-keh ma-goo-moh) comes in proclaiming that their homeroom teacher from the year before has suddenly quit and that their new teacher is a woman and is hot at that. as class begins they all rise and do the customary bow as their new teacher introduces herself as Mizuho Kazami (mii-zoh-hoh kah-zah-mii) as the school day ends Kei walks home and discovers that Mizuho has moved next door to him as the episode goes on he makes a remarkable discovery that leads to him marrying his teacher

you can watch the first episode here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZjJrQACDnk

Friday, February 20, 2009

welcome to my blog

my blog is an anime review blog if you'd like you can suggest new anime titles that is why it is called out of anime